Researches on Some Aspects in Law of ESOP of State-owned Enterprises 国有企业职工持股制度若干法律问题研究
The compensation standard stipulated in china's law of foreign tradesmen invested enterprises is "corresponding compensation". that is too abstract and must be specified. 中国外商投资企业法规定的补偿标准是“相应补偿”,这种规定过于抽象,应当具体化。
How to Regulate Enterprise Group by Antimonopoly Law Under Reformation of State-Owned Enterprises; No one could compete with these steel monopolies. 国企改革中企业集团的反垄断法规制没有人能和这些钢铁垄断企业竞争。
From this angle, the author demonstrates the important function of the market regulation law in breaking monopoly of public enterprises and deepening reformation of public enterprises. 文章以此为切入点,论证了市场规制法在打破公用企业垄断,深化和推进公用企业改革方面的重要作用。
On the System of Exemption from Anti-monopoly Law about Merger of Enterprises 公司并购中的反垄断豁免制度研究
As the branch law of adjusting and regulating modern enterprises, corporation law is responsible for promoting the rivalrousness of minor enterprises. 作为调整和规制现代企业的部门法,公司法对于提高中小企业竞争力的提升负有特殊的,不可替代的责任。
The Income Tax Law of Foreign Enterprises in the People's Republic of China, which was passed in April, 1991, marked the preliminary foundation of our taxation involving foreign nationals. 我国于1991年4月通过并颁布的《中华人民共和国外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法》标志着我国涉外税收的初步建立与完善。
The Legal Influence of the Law System of Cyclic Economy on Enterprises 循环经济法制体系的建立对企业的法律影响力
Based on an analysis of the process and law of enterprises evolution, this paper uncovers the system of modern enterprises 'goals. The ultimate goal in the strategic level is to keep an enterprise in a thriving state for the long run. 在分析企业发展历程和规律的基础上,揭示了现代企业系统的目标体系:战略层次的终极目标是使企业长期保持兴盛状态;
Benefits hays always been co-existing with risks, so our country's Law of Enterprises should cancel its limit to trans-investment's object and quantity. 收益从来与风险共存,我国《公司法》应取消对转投资对象和数额的限制。
Meanwhile, the application in business administration of ERP can bring quantization and qualitative advantage to enterprise. According to law of historical development, enterprises meet the development of cybereconomy, implement the ERP system. 同时,ERP在企业管理中应用,能给企业带来量化和定性的优势,从历史发展的规律来看,企业适应网络经济的发展,实施ERP系统是历史的必然。
As regulated by the law of China, enterprises of exclusive investment lauded in China are economic entities which are invested by a natural person and whose properties are owned by the investor who bears all the responsibility for the debts of the enterprise with his personal property. 个人独资企业,依据我国的法律规定是指在中国境内设立,由一个自然人投资,财产为投资人个人所有,投资人以其个人财产对企业债务承担无限责任的经营实体。
With the methods of normative and mathematic analysis, this paper gives an equilibrium analysis about the internal economic incentives, external limit and evolvement law of enterprises 'interior specialization and cooperation in different regions. 本文通过规范论证与数理分析,对生产企业内部跨区域分工合作的内在经济激励、外在约束、演进规律进行微观均衡分析。
And that law enables future advantages of enterprises. 法律使企业的后发优势有了可能。
The domestic law on the business activities of enterprises. 3关于企业商事活动的国内法;
On Several Problems of Law of Individual investment Enterprises 个人独资企业法若干问题刍议
We should define strategically the position of small and medium-sized enterprises and their development policy, carry out Promoting Law of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and promote innovation to solve the problems in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. 要从战略上确定中小企业的位置,确定发展政策,贯彻实施和完善《中小企业促进法》,进行创新,解决中小企业发展中存在的问题,有利就业创造。
People's view of equity and efficiency is a fundamental issue affecting economy ruled by law and legal management of modern enterprises. 而影响法制经济,影响企业法制管理理念的一个根本问题是人们对公平效率观的认识。
Exemption from antimonopoly law in amalgamation of business enterprises in China should have its own characteristics in accordance with foreign antimonopoly law. 我国企业合并反垄断法豁免除了应与世界各国反垄断法保持一致外,还应结合国情,具体问题具体分析。
The article puts forward that the modern enter-prise system should be set up on the basis of theory, law, division of govern-ment and enterprises, and constructing scientific corporate administration. 并提出从理论基础、法律基础、政企分开和构建科学法人治理结构四个方面来建立现代企业制度。
Loopholes and defects that lie in tax law also increase the chance of enterprises 'tax planning. 税法本身存在的漏洞和缺陷给企业税收筹划增加了机会。
Formulating the special Law of Private Enterprises, defining the principle of labor contract, strengthening the administerial function of business administrative division, enhancing the supervision of the press are the effective ways of protecting the rights of women workers. 制定专门的《私营企业法》,明确劳动契约原则,加强工商行政管理部门的管理职能,加大新闻机构宣传与监督力度等,是有效保护女工合法权益的主要途径。
According to the research about the evolution of management strategy in the American manufacturing industry during these decades, we can find the inherent law and trends of enterprises development. 纵观美国制造业几十年来在经营策略上的变化,我们可以看到企业发展的规律和方向。
The Present State of Law Abiding of Mid-small Enterprises in China and Countermeasure Suggestions 我国中小企业守法现状与对策研究
Therefore, the law of coal mining enterprises safety is an urgent need to solve social problems and market regulation. 因此,煤矿企业安全问题的法律规制越来越成为迫切需要解决的社会经济问题,市场规制法问题。
Many companies have resorted to layoffs, variable normal employment for labor and other means to send workers to circumvent the labor contract law the responsibility of enterprises and employment. 不少企业纷纷采取裁员、变正常用工为劳务派遣工等手段规避劳动合同法规定的企业用工责任。
In order to solve these problems, our government introduced a new Enterprise Income Tax Law in 2008, all of enterprises have the same policies. 为了解决这些问题,2008年实行了新企业所得税法,统一了内外资企业所税。
Chapter five: invest in the strategic principles of law of small and medium-sized enterprises, it is the center of this text. 第五章投资中小企业的法律战略原则,是本文的重心所在。
In the last few years, there have been also law crises of some domestic enterprises on end. 近几年来,国内也有相当一些企业法律危机频频。
Secondly, it will help the decision-making departments understand the law of creative enterprises and creative industries co-evolution more deeply and accurately and will also help to make development policies for creative industries. 其次,本文对创意企业和创意产业共同演化的研究有助于实际决策部门更加深刻和准确地认识创意产业的演进规律,对创意产业发展政策的制定具有一定的参考价值。